
Save your nation , and bless your inheritance: and shepherd them, and carry them forever. psalms 28:9
from $185.00
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when i behold Your heavens the work of your fingers Psalms 8:4
from $130.00
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mightier than the waves of the Sea is the Lord on high - psalms 93:4
from $185.00
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Bring us back from captivity ,Hashem, like streams in the Negev psalms 126:4
from $185.00
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love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells -Pslams 26:8
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He makes peace in your borders and satisfies you with choice wheat. -Psalms 147:14
from $185.00
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He restores my soul- Psalms 23-2
from $185.00
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leads me in the paths of righteousness - Psalms 23:3
from $185.00
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When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; - Psalms 8:4
from $185.00
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he shall pluck my feet out of the net. Psalms 26:15
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Your faithfulness each night- psalms 92:3
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your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalms 119:105
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Beside the tranquil waters -psalms 23:2
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upon a harp of ten melodies I will sing praises to you - psalms 144:9
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from the depths, i call out to you - psalms 130
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His majesty in all of the earth -psalms 8:10
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Awake the harp and the lyre: I will awaken the dawn. Psalms 108:3
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even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you with me - psalms 23:4
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your children like olive plants round about your table psalms 128:3
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In green pastures - psalms 23:2
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The voice of Hashem divides the flames of fire - Psalms 29:7
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you are clothed in glory and majesty, wrapped in a robe of light. psalms 104:1-2
from $130.00
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If I ascend to Heaven, there you are, If I make my bed in purgatory, behold, there you are psalms 139:8
from $150.00
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Open to me the gates of righteousness.. - psalms 118:19
from $130.00
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The voice of the Hashem is over the waters -Psalms 29:3
from $180.00
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The earth and everything in it are Hashems Psalms 24:1
from $160.00
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Day to day utter speech - Psalms 19:3
from $160.00
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Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing for joy Psalms 98
from $130.00
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From the rising Sun to it's setting, Hashems name is praised- Psalms 113:3
from $160.00
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Psalms 93:4 than the mighty waves of the sea.
from $130.00
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like a tree planted by streams of water Psalms 1:3
from $160.00
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Sing to Hashem a new song - Psalms 96:1
from $180.00
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